10 Children Back To School

by Pastor Tosin Ogunmodi




pledged of $1,000 goal



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This project will be funded on 2016-10-27 23:00:00 PM WAT.

“We have a divine responsibility to God, to the Church and the society to reach children in our inner cities” Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD. Every day as I walked on the street, going or returning, I see a greater future that is possible through a mutuali

  • Send Children Back to School
  • Jos, Nigeria

About Pastor Tosin Ogunmodi

Joined 7 years ago

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10 Children Back To School

About this project

“We have a divine responsibility to God, to the Church and the society to reach children in our inner cities” Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD. 

Every day as I walked on the street, going or returning, I see a greater future that is possible through a mutualistic act, where everyone can identify a role he/she has to play in making our world a better place. The Solution to the challenges in our nation, Nigeria, Africa and the world at large has been given to us in Partnership. All our partnership arms are strategies of the kingdom of God. Partnership with the ICM4C is a strategy for preserving our future, building our nation and spreading the gospel, making it laudable and indispensable. I want my life to count in this and my relevance in God’s kingdom to be onward, even as I add in calendar age. 

Top Sponsors
Based on highest sponsorship

  • Dorcas Danladi
  • Pastor Tosin Ogunmodi
  • Charles Osasumwen Okuonghae
  • St Gentles Computers and Communication Limited
  • Patience Salau
  • Alfred Batholomew

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