Poverty denies indigent children of basic rights such as the right to food, the right to education and more. If we all do a little, we would make a lot of difference in the lives of these children.
by Pastor Tunde Olufowora
It's My Birthday On The 10th Of October 2017. I Invite You To Join Me To Make It Memorable For Children. I Will Like Us To Sponsor Indigent Children In The ICM4C Home In Commemoration Of My Birthday
by TheRealTB1
It is my birthday on the 9th of March and this year I thought I make it count for the indigent by doing something that would make a lasting impact in their lives as well as help harness the inherent talents of Music and Art God has specially given to them
by Eno-Abasi Asangansi
On my birthday, I would love to take children off the streets so they'll have all the care, attention and support they require as they grow; through the agency of my birthday campaign. Thank you so much for being a part of this Noble Cause.
Every Child deserves a good meal each day but sadly many children go hungry everyday. Please join me in celebration of my birthday to feed 20 children this month
by Tsitsi
It's going to be my birthday soon and the best way I'd like to celebrate it is by doing what I love the most which is giving. I'd like to give towards The Inner City Mission end child poverty campaign
by Pst Jude Ekweh
Over 50% people in Liberia live below the poverty line and children are the most affected especially after the Ebola Outbreak. Together we can make a change. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON THE 19TH OF JANUARY JOIN ME TO SHINE LIGHTS IN LIBERIA AS WE TACKLE HUNGER
by Dcns Mimi Darko
Its my birthday on the 18th of February and i want to make it endearing for indigent children in Ghana. Join me to raise $250,000 for the construction of The InnerCity Mission Charity School in Ghana.
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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