Send 40 deprived, vulnerable and excluded Children back to school.

by Olawunmi Abamba




pledged of $4,000 goal



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This project will be funded on 2018-09-02 00:00:00 PM WAT.

This years birthday is indeed a milestone celebration and to mark this on the 16th of August, I am donating my birthday to the InnerCity Mission's Charity in their Back to school campaign; raising funds for 40 indigent children.

  • Send Children Back to School
  • United Kingdom

About Olawunmi Abamba

Joined 7 years ago

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Send 40 deprived, vulnerable and excluded Children back to school.

About this project

I have been tremendously blessed by God through the messages of my man of God; Reverend Chris Oyakhilome and have partnered continuously in various arms of the ministry; the InnerCity Mission being my most passionate partnership arm. In 2004, Pastor Chris made a profound statement that "Every Child Is your Child" and through his messages on success I have come to understand that true success is to "Find a need and meet it". John F. Kennedy also once said and I quote “Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” So, I said to myself, that one of the best ways to invest in the future is to support children back to school because the quality of education they get, opens the door to countless opportunities; I am a living proof of this. I relocated from Nigerian to the United Kingdom to acquire an MSC in a new field different from my 1st degree. The quality of education I was privileged to receive; including the various work experiences, has became an asset of life for me. Today, I am equiped to work anywhere in the world. I was qualified by grace and education further equipped me to fit in. I'm grateful to God. According to data from GEM Report; Worldwide, there are still more than 150 million children ages 3 to 5 who do not have access to pre-primary education, including more than 80% of children in low-income countries. One extra year of schooling increases an individual's earnings by up to 10%. Each additional year of schooling raises average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth by 0.37%. I also read from an executive summary by The Learning Generation that a dollar invested in an additional year of schooling, particularly for girls, generates earnings and health benefits of US$10 in low-income countries and nearly US$4 in lower-middle income countries. Indeed, when we constantly give towards funding education for children in the innercities, we are funding a healthier and more robust economy in the long run. Every child is indeed our child; our future. This is my drive for this project. It costs only $100 to send a child in our target nations (Nigeria, South Sudan, Uganda, etc) back to school for an entire year, covering their tuition, uniform and stationery for that period. I invite you to join me in sponsoring 40 indigent children back to school this September. I'd love to make their life count and contribute to the general wellbeing of nations and economies on the long run. Your support means a great deal; no matter the amount you choose to sponsor with. God bless you.

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  • paul banjoko
  • Oluwakemi Oseghe
  • Gift Udoro Bugna
  • Rachel Pearce
  • Olawunmi Abamba
  • Julia Perry

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