Hi, I Need Your Help Please!

by BLW Grace City




pledged of $100,000 goal



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This project will be funded on 2024-09-01 00:00:00 PM WAT.

Help me make my birthday count this year. Would you please join me in securing a brighter future for indigent children by providing them with the essential necessities they desperately need? Any amount will go a long way! Thank you and God bless you.

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  • Houston, Texas

About BLW Grace City

Joined 2 years ago

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About this project

Hi! I need your help, please! As my birthday approaches, I find myself in a position where I don't desire material gifts, cards, or cakes. Instead, I long for something far more meaningful. All I ask is if you would please join me in securing a brighter future for indigent children by providing them with the essential necessities they desperately need: food, shelter, support for their families, and the supplies required to thrive. My goal for this birthday is to raise $100,000, and this is where your support becomes invaluable. This year, I’ve partnered with The Inner City Mission for Children (https://theinnercitymission.ngo), and with just $100, you can ensure that a child is able to return to school and receive an education for an entire term. Even a modest contribution of $20 can go a long way in sponsoring a school kit, equipped with books, stationery, and other vital supplies. And even $5, the price of a cup of coffee, can make a profound difference by providing a nutritious meal portion to a child in need. And don’t worry, I’ve kicked off the campaign myself by sponsoring $100 and I plan to do much more! In our vast and interconnected world, every child is our child. They hold the key to a brighter tomorrow, and it is our responsibility to support them in realizing their full potential. I firmly believe that every child should be granted the opportunity to live, grow, and pursue their God-given dreams and destinies. So would you please consider joining me in this mission? We can make a lasting impact in the lives of these children and the communities they represent. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will be a catalyst for change. As you consider this request, I want to express my gratitude in advance for your generosity and kindness. Your support means the world to me and I truly appreciate your selflessness. God bless you abundantly! I love you, and I’m grateful! - Nicole Uzo

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