Sponsor A Child's Education

by Bernoulli Mukuna




pledged of $2,746 goal



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This project will be funded on 2023-10-02 00:00:00 PM WAT.

I am sponsoring 25 children's school fees through the S.P.A.C.E campaign! In support of the Inner City Mission's work, i will be completing the '"Let's Do This!" Sheffield City 10K' on 1st October 2023 to help raise awareness and funds.

  • Send Children Back to School
  • Sheffield, UK

About Bernoulli Mukuna

Joined 10 months ago

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Sponsor A Child's Education

About this project

Sponsor A Child's Educaton (SP.A.C.E) With The Back To School Campaign. According to Article 26 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every child around the world has the right to free basic education and by this, poverty is no excuse. However, while basic education is theoretically free, poor families are saddled with the responsibility of providing other necessary materials to enjoy the “free basic education”. Lack of materials such as uniforms, books, exam fees, pens and others further create a barrier to accessing free education for millions of children. Globally, the number of out of school children have drastically increased due to factors such as health crisis, disasters, terrorist attacks, financial hardship as a result of harsh economy among others. The Back to School Campaign is an initiative of the InnerCity Mission for Children set up to help surmount these barriers thereby enabling deprived and vulnerable children access primary education through the provision of free scholastic materials and executing school development Projects in underserved communities which would improve learning outcomes. In 2023, through the Sponsor A Child's Education (SP.A.C.E) Campaign, we are enrolling 5,000,000 indigent children back to school. With your support, we can reach our target if you will get your friends, family, groups and organizations to sponsor at least ONE CHILD Back to School for $100 or its equivalent in your local currency which provides a complete school kit. https://theinnercitymission.ngo/backtoschool/ No sponsors yet. Be the first!

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