5000 Smiles





pledged of $6,670 goal



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This project will be funded on 2024-06-30 00:00:00 PM WAT.

Join us to light up the faces of 5,000 indigent children with the perfect smile, as we send 5,000 meal portions this Children's Day (May 27) and beyond. No better way to say "Jesus loves you" to a hungry child! Join us to make this a reality

  • Send Portions
  • Enugu, Nigeria


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5000 Smiles

About this project

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. People who don’t get enough to eat become malnourished and suffer from malnutrition. Malnutrition is very dangerous to human health as it usually results in death when not dealt with; and as with other disastrous occurrences in the world, children are the most vulnerable and affected group. The World Health Organization estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide. A lot of children are dying simply because they are not eating adequately and cannot afford to feed well. How sad! We therefore cannot ignore hungry children, for in each child lies the future of a nation and the world at large. As meaningful citizens of our society, we should not watch poverty and hunger ravage little children who have no clue where their next meal will come from or whether it will come at all. Hungry children who manage to survive as adults grow up to be angry and they take their frustration out on society by becoming societal menaces – stealing, killing and destroying lives and properties Children living in poverty lack the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, and are therefore unable to achieve their full potentials or participate as full and equal members of society. The InnerCity Mission is committed to providing nutritious food to hungry children living in the inner cities of our world, to give them a hope and future. You can join us to sponsor food supplies for a family, 1 meal or as many meals as possible. The life of a child depends on it. God bless you!

Top Sponsors
Based on highest sponsorship

  • Benita Uchendu
  • Esther Obiefuna
  • Wisdom Asoegwu
  • Bella Mayei
  • Emmanuel Sunday

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