by Akaoma Onyemelukwe
Its my birthday in May & I desire to help the needy through the InnerCity Mission. There are millions of children suffering due poverty. I want to make a Diffrence by starting TODAY.
by Nevigator
It's my birthday and I want to use this opportunity to reach out to indigenous and orphaned children around the globe with a relief befitting their needs. Teamed with you, we can do much more. Join me and others in a joyous celebration of my birthday.
by Pastor Samson Dimowo
Hello! It was my birthday on the 28th of March, and I dedicated my celebration this year to helping deprived children in the inner cities, through the InnerCity Mission for Children, a United Nations registered NGO. Please join me to make a difference.
by Pst Jude Ekweh
Birthdays are special times to celebrate. My birthday is on the 13th March and I want to put smiles on the faces of indigent children. Join me to illuminate their world.
by Pst Jude Ekweh
Children are the champions of tomorrow and the tomorrow we seek starts today. None should be lost to the cruel some hands of hunger. Join me as I feed 500 children this year.
by Ononogbu Godsfavour
Join me on my special day to feed 50 indigent children. An opportunity to show the love of Christ that's shed abroad in our hearts. Let's End Child Hunger Together! Let's Put Smiles On Their Faces!!!
by Pastor Zubechukwu Orizu
It is My Birthday On The 20th Of June And I Want To Use this Opportunity to #EndChildPovertyNow By Raising Funds Between Today And Friday, 30th Of June To Feed 100 indigent Children. It Costs 1,000 To Feed a Child. Please Join Me To Make This A Reality.
You're God's answer to the secret cry and prayers of that indigent child somewhere in the inner cities! Join us to make a difference in the lives of indigent children this Children's Day as we #EndChildPovertyNow. Every child is your child!
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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