by Michaels Fortunes
Join me on my special birthday to feed indigent children around the world and end child poverty together. Lets support the future leaders of our tomorrow . God bless you richly.
by Kayomavoro Urhobocha
Hey, everyone! It's Kayo! It's my birthday this month on the 14th, Valentine's Day. And to commemorate my purposeful 30s and in a show of true God like love, please, give a token to help provide meals for children in less privileged situations and war tor
by Adewale Oyewo
My Birthday is coming!!! and I'll like to make it special by sponsoring free meals for indigent children. Join me to make it count.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Irene Blessing
Its my birthday on the 18th of October. Join me to make it memorable especially for the indigent as I sponsor them Back to School and provide meals for them in commemoration of my special day.
by Josh Tetteh-Afum
My Birthday! Join me on my Birthday to feed hungry Children around the world.There are less privileged and hungry children around the world that need your help.Donate today to end Child Poverty. Action Now!
by Pastor Ewaen Temisan
We are doing something about hungry children around the world. We are standing with the InnerCity Mission against Hunger! Take Action today and make a difference by sponsoring meals to benefit needy families and hungry children.
by John Gracious Irene
Hey Dear! It's my birthday on the 19h of March. And as a celebration of my birthday, I want you'll to join me in sponsoring 50 meals. A meal equals #1000. Join me in ending child hunger! Thank you!
Join us to send 10 indigent children #BackToSchool this September and October through the S.P.A.C.E (Sponsor a Child's Education) Initiative, and the a special Food Drive to feed 200 children. Remember, every child is your child!
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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