by BLW Oasis USA
Join the students of Campus Ministry USA Group 3 to make this Christmas special for poor families and children in Sierra Leone by providing food packs, gifts and Christian books to them.
We're creating 200 smiles by sending 200 portions to indigent children this Christmas. You can join us to make this a reality and light up 200 faces with the perfect Christmas smile
Join us to make this Christmas special by sending portions to 2 million children across 50 countries. Rejoignez-nous pour rendre ce Noël spécial en envoyant des portions pour 2 millions d’enfants dans 50 pays.
by Pastor Ugo Dibia
Join us to distribute packs of food, drink and gifts to the children in the IDP CAMP in north east Nigeria this Christmas Neh 8:10 Then he said to them go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared...
by Pst Jude Ekweh
Children as the Bible teaches are Heritage of the Lord. Please join Blw Absu to send portions to 100 indigent children this Christmas. We want to make this Christmas a memorable one for them as we do so together.
by samuel imoh
Join me to make a difference for indigent children this Christmas as we raise $1000 to feed indigent children. Let's make it happen because we can. Remember, every child is your child. God bless you
by Pst Jude Ekweh
Hi I am Clarion, Join me and together let us give some imagination a reality and birth a world of possibilities. You can help because you're a factor and you care.
by Pastor Obakeng Motshegoa
All around the world at least 16 000 children die of hunger within 5 seconds. It is our responsibility to help those in need who cannot afford to get decent meals. My name is Pastor Obakeng Motshegoa and I care about tomorrow's future.
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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