Select any payment option that is available or convenient for you. You can make payments online with a credit or debit card and using a Voucher.
You can make payment directly to the InnerCity Mission ESPEE Account
Account Name:ICM4C
Kindly attach successful payment receipt and send to
For more information
Please call Ruthelle : +2348083842789
Thank You.
Thank you for your sponsorship. You will now be redirected to our
payment gateway.
After making your payment, kindly wait till you are redirected back
to our website,
so your payment is credited into the campaign.
Thank you.
Recharge vouchers can be purchased at the Innercity Mission offices. You can send email to or call +2348123445240 to purchase voucher.
You can make payment directly to the InnerCity Mission Account via bank transfer
Account Name: InnerCity Mission
Account Number: 2030022369
Bank: Parallex Bank
Kindly attach successful payment receipt and send to
For more information
Please call Ruthelle : +2348083842789
Thank You.
Join me feed 10 children from the innercity mission
Who you are sponsoring
Esther Augustine