by Pastor Ugo Dibia
With a little as $1 you can sponsor a meal for a child, who is starving and desperately in need of food right now. Kindly join us to keep saving lives all aroung africa.
by Pastor Isoken Osifo-Evbuomwan
Join me to feed 11 children daily for 3 months in commemoration of the 1Billion meal campaign To sponsor a days meal for a child is 1000 for a week is 7000 and a month 30000. You can sponsor as many children as you want either daily / weekly/monthly
by Pastor Freida Egbuna
Join me to distribute 20000 meals in commemoration of the 1Billion meal campaign to sponsor a day's meal for a child is $2 for a week is $14 and a month $60 You can sponsor as many children as you want either daily / weekly/monthly.
by Ebele Chukwujekwu
There are many children who go to bed hungry in the world today. Many more don't have access to 3 square meals or nutritious meals. Child hunger is real. Join me sponsor free food packs to poor children in the inner cities, IDP and refugee camps, etc.
by Dcn Theodore Osas Ehannire
Join us to feed 1000 children in commemoration of our birthday, March and April. Our desire to make a difference in the lives of indigent children and put smile on their faces. Together we can make the world a better place with the gift of love.
by Tochi Oputa
Join me to sponsor 1500 meals for hungry children and needy families in commemoration of my birthday, 2nd of April. A child is counting on your support.
by Osaru Evbuomwan
As an all year campaign to cushion the hardship faced by vulnerable families, we will be providing 1 billionmeals . Join me to provide 2500 meals to indigent children this quarter, with as little as £1, you will be making a difference in a child's l
by Anyadike Emmanuel
Did you know that each day 25,000 die due to hunger, out of which 10,000 are kids. So this call is to join forces with me as we do the little we can to reduce the statistics.
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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