by Cynthia
I'm a lover of children and as well a lover of education. At the age of 24, I started this movement of training the less privileged kids and right now, we need your help to reach out to more children in the country.
by Gold Adaugo Boms
Every child deserves the chance to dream, to learn, & to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Sadly, many less privileged children in our inner cities face daily challenges that hinder their potential. Join me to provide educational supplies.
by Olorunmola Abraham
It's my birthday on the 22nd of January snd i want to make lasting memories for 10 indigent children in underseved communities. You can Join me to sponsor tuition, learning materials, uniforms . Etc.
by Marcel Tansie
his year, I’m dedicating my birthday to sponsoring children’s education through the InnerCity Mission. My goal is to send 20 children back to school, with each sponsorship costing $100.
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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