It's Christmas Season again... Join us to Sponsor With A Gift (SWAG) this Christmas season as we send portions to 200 indigent children. A portion contains a free meal and a gift pack and is just N1000 only. Thank you and God bless you.
by Ebe Jennifer
We often take the our meals, satisfying our basic cravings for granted but there are kids, children around us who are not assured a meal per day. Help me send portions to them this festive season! Make this holiday exciting for them.
by Believers loveworld Esut
Christmas is a few weeks to go. Join us to share the Christmas cheer as we send portions to 150 indigent children. A portion is N1000 and contains a free meal and a gift pack. God bless you.
by BLW Parklane
Christmas is a time to share love. Join us to celebrate Christmas with SWAG as we send portions to 100 indigent children. A portion is N1000. God bless you.
by CE Bexleyheath London UKZ1
PROVIDING A MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR 300 INDIGENT CHILDREN. Christmas is a few weeks to go. Join us to share the Christmas cheer as we send portions to 300 indigent children. A portion is $3 and contains a free meal and a gift pack. God bless you.
by Pastor Ifeoma Konyeha
Hello Hello! It is time to remember those that may have to go without this Christmas. Join me to feed 500 indigent children in Abeokuta this christmas by giving a love gift of $5 or more! Together we can put a smile on their faces! God bless you!
by Pastor Emma Eze
Its my Birthday on the 25th of December & i want to make it extra special for the needy. JOIN ME to put smiles on the faces of 1000 vulnerable children as i sponsor Christmas portions this Season.
Join us to make this Christmas special by sending portions to 10 000 children. Rejoignez-nous pour rendre ce Noël spécial en envoyant des portions à 10 000 enfants.
©2025 The InnerCity Mission for Children. All Rights Reserved.
An Initiative of The InnerCity Mission.
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